Time does fly….

I have not been logged in here for a while. Last entry was in June. Jeeezzze that is a while ago. Well I had vacation in July, then days has just passed. So a quick look on what has happened is that my inlaws were here and we had a great time with them and our best friends. We had the annual church camp at Pengsjö. One of the most beautiful places on earth. So quiet and beautiful. God´s presesens there is so noticeble. You can almost touch it, that is how it feels anyway. The first night there I went out on a photo shoot after sunset. One of our kids were with me and we ended up on the pier where you usually walk out when you are going for a swim, or get baptised. We lay down on our backs looking at the pitch dark sky with trillions of stars. We talked a bit, but mostly we just lay there enjoying each others company. It was the best evening I have had in a long time. As we lay there looking at the sky we also spent time with God then and there. I could feel his touch on my forhead. That is what life is all about. There on that pier I discovered something that I always knew: 42! What is six times seven? 42. So when we spend time with God in prayer, or in a quiet moment just letting the spirit work within us … Continue reading Time does fly….